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  • ReeFlowers Pond Elements, Contains the elements needed by pond fish. It increases the general general hardness (gH) value of the water. Fountain waters are insufficient in terms of minerals compared to the waters in the natural habitat of the fish. Skeleton development, reproductive and vital activities, which cannot take the minerals it needs, weaken in many ways in time, its development slows down, its colors become dull and unhealthy. ReeFlowers Pond Elements provides the elements needed and affects the development of the fish and the vividness of their colors. It helps to provide a natural living environment and speeds up the reproduction activities.

    500 ML | 1000 ML | 3000 ML

    AVAILABILITY: In stock


    When a new living organism is added or moved to pond or following drug treatments, water changes, or any other condition that may cause fish stress, ReeFlowers Pond Guard can help fish easily recover from stress.

    The Aloe Vera extract it contains, reduces the length of time needed to adaptand helps strengthen the mucous tissue protecting the fish from external conditions.

    The product is not harmful to fish, plants, benign bacteria colonies, or micro-organisms. It does not change the pH level of the pond.

    500 ML | 1000 ML | 3000 ML

    AVAILABILITY: In stock

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