SCREENING AMMONIUM, CHLORINE AND CHLORAMINE Aquariums are closed systems that do not guarantee continuous water renewal, unlike natural ecosystems (seas, lakes, rivers). However, in an aquarium, as in nature, pollutants, potentially toxic substances are produced, because they are formed as a result of biological processes (respiration and excretion) of the hosted organisms.
These substances should be kept at certain levels in order not to endanger the safety of fish, plants and invertebrates. This process, called water bio-conditioning, enables organisms to live safely and healthily in aquarium ecosystems; in other words, we add or reduce the concentrations of potentially toxic substances, possibly by adding others that are useful.
The waste products of organisms are a continuous source of Ammonia by a biochemical process known as “ammonification.” This is done by special bacteria that degrade amino acids (oxidative deamination), releasing the Aminic Nitrogen (-NH2) in Ammonia (NH3).
Fish get directly into their bodies through ammonia gills and are poisoned. For example, ammonia is observed and the fish are poisoned even if there is no circulation and discharge in the transport bag. You can also use it easily in transfer operations.
Ammonia molecules from the aquarium are highly toxic to organisms that are housed even at low concentrations. REMOVER NH3 neutralizes toxic Ammonia by converting it in a non-toxic molecule (aminomethanesulfonate salt), which is easily biodegradable by nitrification in the biological filter.
REMOVER NH3 also removes Chlorine and Chloramine. The simultaneous presence of aloe vera extract due to its Acemannan and Glycoside content supports the strengthening of the immune system and the health of the epidermis and gills. It also contributes to reducing the negative effects of stress.

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